
🧑 Joe Hardy (he/him) 📍 Eora

👇 writing and photography, mostly about music and culture

For work, I help teams be amazing. You can hire me.
I'm also the creator and co-founder of

Interests: music, community, how people think, photography, social and environmental impact of tech

Condé Nast Moves Pitchfork to GQ, Major Layoffs of Key Editorial Staff

18 January 2024 @ 09:12

Pitchfork Is Being Folded Into GQ, as Condé Nast Seeks ‘Best Path Forward’ for Music Publication []

I'm hard pressed to think of any way that this isn't a disastrous moment for music journalism.

Blogs in 2024

14 January 2024 @ 23:21

Welcome to Joe.Blog, the second time around.

Joe.Blog was a dumb little unoriginally-named blog that I had from around 2004 to 2010. At the time, it helped me find a voice online - such as it was - and I met a lot of people through it.

Blogging was incredible. I continue to be drawn to the idea of having your own self-managed space for your own musings and memories that isn't attached to someone else's platform. Somewhere you can share - in the most low-stakes manner possible - things that are in your mind. No vanity metrics and no temptation to perform to get reach. Just a simple space.

So I've brought this back. I've been gradually deleting all of my social media accounts and replacing them with disposable burner accounts. This is my only channel for chatter. It probably means nothing, but it's mine.

Armidale Xmas Trip 2023

14 January 2024 @ 18:54
My Kids Canon AE-1 / Fujifilm 400

Practicing And Getting Better At Stuff

14 January 2024 @ 18:00
Practice 2
Practice 1

Here's a thing

The Environmental Impact Of Today’s Transport Types

11 January 2024 @ 13:12
Ranking Urban Transport Mode Source: TNMT

Grateful for this extremely to-the-point infographic that is not going to leave my mind this year.